The Path Of Dom Vimuttimagga Pdf

03.02.2020by admin

You must set it to the absolute path.Put this into your bootstrap.php file. Define('PHPWORDBASEDIR', realpath(DIR));This is your call: $domPdfPath = realpath(PHPWORDBASEDIR. '/./vendor/dompdf/dompdf');PhpOfficePhpWordSettings::setPdfRendererPath($domPdfPath);PhpOfficePhpWordSettings::setPdfRendererName('DomPDF');//Load temp file$phpWord = PhpOfficePhpWordIOFactory::load($filepath);//Save it$xmlWriter = PhpOfficePhpWordIOFactory::createWriter($phpWord, 'PDF');$xmlWriter-save('result.pdf'). I think @Franz Holzingers answer is right on point except that the version of PHP word that I installed today requires the renderer name to be DomPDF.

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The method fails if it is all caps as shown. Also the version that I installed to day uses a configuration file so while the explicit calls work, if you place them after the configuration file loads, they are overwritten if you place them before the configuration loads. I propose a simpler answer is to locate the file 'phpword.ini.dist' located in the directory above 'src' in the phpword install directories; edit the line for the DomPDF directory to show where you installed DomPDF and then save the file in the same directory but under the name phpword.ini. Now the configuration loader will perform the calls that Frank documented for you. If you enter the path to DomPDF incorrectly, you get no warning but you can test that it installed correctly using the method PhpOfficePhpWordSettings::getPdfRendererPath(domPdfPath); If the return from that method is empty, it means that the path name you specified in the configuration file did not exist. Note that the loader does not check that the path contains DomPDF, only that the path exists.It is worth noting that at this time, phpword supports three PDF rendering engines.

The path of dom vimuttimagga pdf download

Any of the three can be configured in the ini file mentioned above by providing the path to the installation and setting the name of the PDF renderer to one of these values (case sensitive): DomPDF, TCPDF or MPDF. DomPDF is recommended and the default but it appears in the code that if you have an investment in or a preference for one of the others, you can used it with phpword.