Stephen Jay Gould Panda Thumb Pdf Creator

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  2. Stephen Jay Gould Panda's Thumb
  3. Stephen Jay Gould Panda Thumb Pdf Creator Free

Open for research, except restricted materials in Series 8. Harvard University; Series 9. New York University; Series 10.Organizations, committees, boards; Series 20. Family; and Series 23.

CVs, endorsements, reviews. These restricted files areclosed for research until 2086. Audiovisual materials are not available in original format, and must be reformatted to a digitaluse copy. Born-digital materials are in-process and currently unavailable.

Series 24 is closed until processed.Separated Materials. Stephen Jay Gould, notable American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and historian of science was born on September10, 1941, in New York City, the son of Leonard and Eleanor (Rosenberg) Gould. His father Leonard was a court stenographer,and his mother Eleanor was an artist.

When Gould was five years old, his father took him to the American Museum of NaturalHistory in New York. Gould often recalled throughout his life how viewing theTyrannosaurus rex during this childhood trip marked the beginning of his lifelong passion for paleontology. His interest in paleontology continuedto develop throughout his childhood and teenage years, and was encouraged by his family and educators.

Stephen Jay Gould Panda Thumb Pdf Creator Pdf

In addition to steadfastsupport of their boy’s academic pursuits, the Goulds were doting parents who sought to expose their child to a wide rangeof culture and activities, as well as a sense of civic responsibility. Though Gould’s early childhood and teenage years werelargely focused on his two prevailing passions, paleontology and the New York Yankees, he also sang in school and city choirs,and was a zealous advocate for civil rights and supporter of many progressive social issues of the day.

Gould attended New York public schools, and attended Antioch College in Ohio, graduating in 1963 with a degree in Geology.During his undergraduate years he studied abroad at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom. In 1965 he married DeborahLee, an artist and fellow Antioch student. Together they would have two sons, Jesse and Ethan.

In 1966, Gould accepted a positionat Antioch College as Professor of Geology. Following his time at Antioch College, Gould attended Columbia University forhis graduate work, under the guidance of mentor Norman Newell.

For his doctoral thesis he investigated variation and evolutionin an obscure Bermuda land snail. He earned his Ph.D. In paleontology from Columbia University in 1967.

That same year hejoined the faculty of Harvard University as Assistant Professor of Geology and Assistant Curator of Invertebrate Paleontology.In 1971 he was promoted to Associate Professor, and in 1973 he was promoted to Professor of Geology. In 1982 he was awardedthe title of Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, a position he retained until his death in 2002.

From 1996 to 2002 Gouldalso served as Vincent Astor Visiting Research Professor of Biology at New York University.In 1972, along with Niles Eldredge, he developed the theory of punctuated equilibria. Theirs was a revision of Darwinian theoryproposing that the creation of new species through evolutionary change occurs not at slow, constant rates over millions ofyears but rather in rapid bursts over periods as short as thousands of years, which are then followed by long periods of stabilityduring which organisms undergo little further change. A prolific writer, Gould authored 300 consecutive essays for his monthly columnThis View of Life which appeared inNatural History, the journal of The American Museum of Natural History. He also authored over 20 best-selling books, and wrote nearly a thousandscientific papers. Many of Gould's Natural History essays were reprinted in collected volumes, such asEver Since Darwin andThe Panda's Thumb.

Popular treatises included books such asThe Mismeasure of Man,Wonderful Life, andFull House, and his landmark workThe Structure of Evolutionary Theory. Gould was also a lifelong baseball fan, and often referenced the sport in his essays. Many of his baseball essays were anthologizedin his posthumously published bookTriumph and Tragedy in Mudville. Gould was among the first group awarded the prestigious MacArthur Foundation Prize Fellowship in 1981.

In 1983, Gould wasawarded fellowship into the American Association for the Advancement of Science, where he later served as president (1999–2001).He also served as president of the Paleontological Society (1985–1986) and the Society for the Study of Evolution (1990–1991).In 1989 Gould was elected into the body of the National Academy of Sciences. In 2001 the American Humanist Association namedhim the Humanist of the Year for his lifetime of work. In his lifetime, Gould would be awarded over forty-four honorary degreesand 66 major fellowships, medals, and awards. This series is comprised of Gould's incoming and outgoing letters, as well as files containing his correspondence with publishers.Included are letters, postcards, and other documents sent to Gould by colleagues, editors, publishers, and fans. Letters fromcolleagues include discussion of collaborative projects, activities relating to professional organizations, routine correspondenceregarding conferences and travel arrangements, and requests for recommendations, manuscript reviews, and article reprints.Letters from fans and laypersons include both praise and criticism of Gould's books, scholarly articles, popular science works,and involvement in the fields of evolutionary biology, paleontology, and the history of science. Also included are personalletters from colleagues, family, and friends.

Gould routinely kept copies of outgoing letters for some time. Primarily theseconsist of letters to professional colleagues, though there are some responses to fan mail, typically replies to childrenwho wrote letters to Gould about their interest in science and to fans who wrote to Gould in regards to their battles withcancer. The first twelve subseries of incoming letters remain as originally ordered in Gould's chronological files and are arrangedalphabetically by correspondent. In cases where a substantial number of letters exist for a correspondent, or where the authoror subject matter is of particular significance, the letters are foldered individually by correspondent. Letters folderedseparately appear at the beginning of each alpha range and are followed by general alpha arrangement (for example, 'Abrams,Susan' then 'Aa-Ae'). Some date range overlap exists between subseries as original order was maintained. The 'Incoming letters arranged by date' subseries includes letters found throughout Gould's papers, which have been arrangedby year of receipt.

The 'Incoming letters arranged by subject' subseries includes letters that were clearly grouped togetherby subject throughout Gould's papers. These files have been labeled in keeping with Gould's own organizational scheme, andconsist of invitations and appearance requests, condolence letters received after Gould's death, and letters to Gould foundlaid in his rare books.

Notable correspondents include Susan E. Abrams, Isaac Asimov, Edwin Barber, Jimmy Carter, Arthur C. Clarke, Bill Clinton,Hillary Clinton, Richard Dawkins, Alan Dershowitz, Joe DiMaggio, Carl Djerassi, Niles Eldredge, R. Buckminster Fuller, MartinGardner, Bill Gates, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Mikhail Gorbachev, Al Gore, Anthony Hallam, Grace Halsell, Edward M. Kennedy,Ernst Mayr, Sir Peter Medawar, Robert K.

Merton, Ashley Montagu, Norman D. Newell, Linus Pauling, Jef Raskin, David M. Raup,Milton Rogovin, Carl Sagan, Eugenie Scott, Charles Sibley, George Gaylord Simpson, B. Skinner, John Maynard Smith, G. LedyardStebbins, Alan Ternes, Kurt Vonnegut, E.


Wilson, and Sewall Wright. Bonem, Rena M.;Bonner, J. J.;Boss, Kenneth J.;Boucot, Arthur J.;Bowersock, G.


R.;Boyer, Robert E.;Boylan, P. Loring;Bradbury, Jack W.;Brady, Peter;Brannigan, Gus;Bravo, Ernesto;Bray, John;Briggs, Doras;Briskin, Madeleine;Brolin, Brent;Brothwell, D. R.;Brown, Edward H.;Brown, Phyllis G.;Brownlow, Arthur;Brussard, P.

Stephen Jay Gould Panda's Thumb

F.;Bryce, George W., Jr.;Buck, Peter;Bull, William B.;Burch, J. B.;Burchsted, Frederic F.;Burian, Richard M.;Burke, Richard;Burlingame, Leslie J.;Burnett, Christopher;Byrne, H.

Desmond;Bywaters, Tom. Gaemers, Pieter;Gaensle, Eric;Gamser, Matthew;Gardner, William E.;Garland, James A.;Garrison, David N.;Gaspari, George D.;Gavan, James A.;Gay, Lynne;Gazzaniga, Michael S.;Geiser, Doris R.;Gellert, Abby Plitt;Gerald, Rex E.;Gerety, Kathleen;German, Rebecca;Gerratt, Malcolm;Ghiselin, Michael;Gibbon, Samuel Y., Jr.;Gibbs, Allan;Gieryn, Thomas F.;Gifford, Prosser;Gilbert, Edward;Giles, Norman;Gill, Frank B.;Gillette, Howard F.;Gillette, Richard;Gilinsky, Norman L.;Gillis, William T. Glucksberg, Sam;Godfrey, Laurie;Goitein, Elon;Gold, Bert;Goldberg, Hannah;Godlberg, Lazer;Goldman, Martin;Goldsen, Rose K.;Goldsmith, Naomi F.;Goldstone, Jack A.;Goodell, Rae;Gonsalves, Neil;Goodhart, C.

B.;Goodwin, Brian;Goreau, Nora I.;Gorman, James M.;Gosliner, Terrence M.;Gottlieb, Gilbert;Gottlieb, Leslie;Goudsmit, Esther;Gould, Josiah B.;Gould, Lucinda;Gould, Margaret C.;Gould, Stephen Jay (Outgoing);Goulden, Clyde E.;Graham, Jonathan;Graham, Loren;Greaves, W. S.;Greenberg, Gary;Greene, Harry W.;Greene, Murray;Greenwood, J. D.;Gregory, Joseph T.;Gregory, Murray R.;Greiner Gertrude;Greiner, Roy;Greller, Andrew W.;Gruber, Jacob W.;Gruffydd, LL. D.;Gruson, Edward S. Hefta, Gunder;Held, Lewis I., Jr.;Helfand, Michael S.;Heller, Joseph;Helms, Carl W.;Heltne, Paul G.;Henderson, Harry;Hickey, Donal;Hickman, James C.;Hickman, Carole;Hiebert, Erwin N.;Hildebrandt, Katherine;Hill, Robert B.;Hirsch, Carol;Hoagland, Elaine;Hoar, George A.;Hockett, Chas F.;Hodosh, Ralph J.;Holderness, Jan;Holmes, Robert;Holt, A. B.;Hoover, Peter R.;Hopson, James A.;Horder, T. J.;Howard, Joan E.;Howden, Henry F.;Howden, Anne T.;Howe, Bob;Howe, Henry F.;Hsu, Lynne;Hubbard, Ruth;Hubbell, Stephen P.;Hubley, Faith;Hudson, John;Hughes, Chris P.;Hughes, Kathly;Humes, Arthur G.;Hunt, Joseph M.;Hunt, Richard M.;Hurst, John M.

McNemar, Donald W.;McShea, Dan;Mehl, Lewis E.;Mehler, Marilu;Mellen, Sydney L. W.;Mello, James F.;Mendoza, Kathy;Mense, Jane;Merton, Robert K.;Messing, Henry J.;Messner, Aletha;Metzger, Charles R.;Meyer, David L.;Michelson, Irving;Michod, Rick;Milkman, Roger;Miller, Judy;Miller, Justine Termini;Miller, Pamela;Miller, Richard H.;Mills, Eric L.;Mirman, Ronald;Moerman, Daniel E. And Marquisa;Moffitt, John;Molnar, Michael J.;Mooney, Kathy;Moor-Jankowski, J.;Moores, Eldridge;More, Charlotte;Morgan, E. B.;Morris, Joan;Morris, Maureen;Morse, D.;Mosteller, Frederick;Motz, Lloyd;Murdoch, John E.;Murray, Barbara;Mutnick, Barbara. Palmarini, Massimo Piattelli;Palmer, Joseph;Palmer, Katherine V. W.;Paquette, Gilles;Park, Hall C.;Parr, Albert Eide;Parrington, F. R.;Parsons, Charles D.;Partridge, Brian;Passingham, Dick;Pastor, John;Paterson, D.

S.;Paterson, David;Patrick, Jim;Paul, Diane B.;Paulay, Gustav;Peck, Joseph H., Jr.;Pierson, A. Lawrence, III;Penman, Sheldon;Petchenik, Kenneth H.;Petersen, Glenn T.;Petersen, Morris S.;Peterson, Roger Tony;Petrovic, Miriam (Steele);Perry, Bernard;Phelps, Claudia;Philbrick, Ben;Phipps, Melanie;Piattelli-Palmarini, Massimo;Pierce, Ben;Pipkin, F.

M.;Platnick, Norman I. Rabb, Roger;Rabinovici, Cheryl;Raff, Rudolf A.;Rago, Christina;Raines, Theron;Rainger, Ronald;Rajecki, D. W.;Randolph, Polley;Rapport, David J.;Raymond, Anne;Raven, Peter H.;Ray, Gordon N.;Raymond, Anne;Reaver, Dale E.;Rechel-Cohn, Amelia;Reed, John;Regan, Rosemary;Reich, Walter;Reichard, Hugo M.;Reichman, O.

J.;Reid, Tony;Reig, Osvaldo A.;Reinking, Robert L.;Reynolds, Richard A.;Rhoads, Donald C.;Richards, Holly L.;Richardson, James B., III;Richerson, Peter J.;Riding, Robert;Rieder, Ronald F.;Riemer, William J. Sawyer, Forrest;Sawyer, Janet;Schaefer, Carl W.;Schenkman, Alfred S.;Schepers, Gerrit W. H.;Schindling, Carla;Schmachtenberg, William F.;Schmidt, Nancy J.;Schmidt-Nielsen, Knut;Schoen, Barbara;Schneiderman, David;Schnell, Gary D.;Schopf, J. William;Schreiber, B.

Charlotte;Schreiber, Edward;Schrier, Eric;Schuller, Nancy L.;Schulman, Edward;Schwartz, Carl R.;Schwartz, Jeffrey H.;Schwartz, Marion W.;Schwarzbart, Elias M.;Scott, George;Sears, Walter E.;Secord, Paul F.;Seidel, George M.;Seidner, Rich;Seischab, Franz;Selander, Robert K.;Shaak, Graig D.;Shackelton, David;Shahn, Ezra;Shapiro, Linda Anne;Shapiro, Harvey;Sharpe, Deborah M.;Shea, Frank X.;Shea, Susan Holzmann;Shelanski, Vivien B. Shenton, Robert;Sherman, Robert G.;Shewell, Kenneth A.;Sholes, Mark A.;Shlossberg, Margaret;Short, R.

V.;Sicherman, Barbara;Siddiqui, O.;Siegel, Andrew F.;Siever, Raymond;Silbert, Jerome A.;Sicherman, Barbara;Silverman, Morris;Simmons, Eric;Simon, Christine;Simonett, D. S.;Simons, Carol Lew;Sims, Howard N.;Sims, Tom;Sinauer, Andrew D.;Skinner, Brian J.;Skinner, Mark;Slater-Brown, Dorothy;Smith, Barbara B.;Smith, Gerald R.;Smith, Grant Gill;Smith, Joseph V.;Smith, Page;Smith, Richard J.;Smith, Temple F.;Smock, Tim. Anderson, Maxine T.;Anderson, Nat;Anderson, William D., Jr.;Andres, Andrew J.;Andrews, David W.;Andrews, Paul H.;Andrews, Robert;Andrews, Steve;Anshen, Ruth Nanda;Anstey, Robert L.;Antlfinger, Ann;Appy, Christian G.;Aquadro, Charles F.;Arch, Steve;Archer, Jules;Archer, Michael;Archie, James W;Arden, Shirley J.;Armstrong, A.;Armstrong, John R.;Arno Press Inc. Consolino);Arnold, Caroline;Aronson, Rich;Arthur, Wallace;Asahina, Robert;Asher, Aaron;Aspin, Les;Attrill, Rod;Ausich, William I.;Averett, Robert C.;Avivi, Naomi;Avrahami, Miriam;Awramik, S.

Bachop, William;Badgley, Catherine;Bahl, Om P.;Bahn, Paul G.;Bailey-Brock, Julie H.;Baird, Davis;Baird, Donna Day;Bakalar, Nicholas;Baker, Peter R.;Baker, Robin;Baldwin, Janice I. And John D.;Ball, John;Baltes, Paul B.;Baltimore, David;Band, Henretta T.;Banks, Robert;Banta, J. H.;Baptist, Ines;Baracca, Angelo;Barash, David P.;Barasch, Marc;Barbash, Jack;Bard, Jonathan;Baresova, Helena;Barley, George E.;Barlowe, Wayne D.;Barnett, S.

Stephen Jay Gould Panda Thumb Pdf Creator Free

A.;Barrett, Robert;Barrows, Carl A.;Barry, Dave;Bartlett, Honora;Barto, Andrew G.;Barton, James H.;Basile, Dominick V. Bass, Alison;Bassin, Donna;Batchelder, Janet;Bates, Penny;Bates, Robin;Bates, Thomas F.;Bauer, Bruce H.;Bayes, Stephen;Bayne, Christopher J.;Baynes, Alex;Beach, Frank A.;Beale Kenn, Jane;Beall, Cynthia M.;Bean, Rodney;Beard, Jonathan D.;Beasley, Jane Blake;Beaumont, Juan Huarte;Beck, Cameron W.;Beck, Kenneth H.;Beck, William S.;Beckmann, Jon;Bedard, Charles;Behnke, John A.;Beitman, Bernard D.;Bekoff, Marc;Bell, Graham;Bell, Mary Catherine;Bell, Robert Franklin;Bell, Whitfield J., Jr. Bellugi, Ursula;Bender, Michael;Benedict, Helen;Benedict, Sarah;Benimoff, Murray;Benson, Richard H.;Benton, John F.;Ben-Yehuda, Leah;Beyer, David;Bezanis, P.

S.;Bianchi, Ray;Bianchi, Thomas S.;Bichakjian, Bernard H.;Biddle, Melinda C.;Bieber, Frederick R.;Bienen, Leigh;Bieri, Robert;Biggs, Dale S.;Bingham, Alfred J.;Bintliff, Jacqueline;Birbaum-Fischer, Leslie;Birney, Barbara A.;Bixler, Andrea;Bixler, R. Patrick;Bizzo, Nelio;Black, Craig C.;Black, Joel;Blacker, Lillian F.;Blair, Albert P.;Blanchard, Duncan C. Bland, John H.;Blansett, Franklin E.;Blau, Harold;Blinderman, Charles;Blitzer, Charles;Block, Ned;Blom, Benjamin;Blond, Anthony;Bloom, William L.;Bloom, Lisa;Blosser, Cal;Blueford, Joyce R.;Blum, Ann;Blum, David;Blum, Manuel;Blume, Betty;Blumenfeld, Lenore;Boberg, Dorothy;Bock, Wolfgang;Bodaly, R. And Clayton, James W.;Boghossian, David;Bohlin, Raymond G.;Boime, Albert;Boletzky, S.

V.;Bolt, John R.;Bon, Ranko;Bond, William I.;Bonfield, Stanley;Bonner, Monica;Bonner, J. T.;Bookout, Michael G.;Bookstein, Fred L.;Boone, Constance E.;Booth, Christopher J.;Borchardt, Glenn;Borchert, R. Borden, Gavin;Borgens, Richard B.;Bosch, Antoni;Boschesi, B. Palmiro;Boss, Kenneth J.;Bostwick, Michael;Botstein, Leon;Boucot, A.

J.;Bourgeois, Denis;Bourgeois, Joanne;Bousfield, David;Bowen, Dayna V.;Bowman, Daniel;Boyd, F. W.;Boyer, Leonard;Boyer, Paul S.;Boyle, T. C.;Brach, Vincent;Braganti, Nancy;Brams, Steven J.;Branca, Barbara A.;Brand, Richard W.;Brandon, Carter;Brass, Alister;Braude, Ben B.;Brauer, Arlette;Brehmer, Steve;Breitwisch, Randall;Brennan, Charles;Brennan, Nancy C.;Brenner, Reuven;Breslin, Carol;Briggs, D. G.;Briggs, John C.;Briggs, Michael;Bristol, John E. Brito de Cunha, A.;Britz, Dieter;Broberg, Gunnar;Brockman, John;Brodeur, A. T.;Brodzinsky, Jacob;Broughton, John M.;Brower, Lincoln P.;Brown, Bahngrell W.;Brown, Barbara;Brown, Hubert O.;Brown, Huntting W.;Brown, James;Brown, J. M.;Brown, Kim;Brown, Steven R.;Brownell, Barbara;Brubeck, William H.;Bruce, A.

J.;Bruce, Virginia;Brummer, Geert Jan;Brunskill, G. J.;Brussard, Peter F.;Bryant, Peter J.;Bryson, David;Buck, Robert W.;Buckley, George;Buckley, James L.;Buettner-Janusch, John;Bullock, Cary G., Jr.;Bulmer, Martin;Buck, Steven P.;Bunn, James H.;Burch, J.

B.;Burdick, Clifford L.;Burgy, Donald. Carroll, Robert L.;Carson, Teresa;Carter, M. Eloise Brown;Cartwright, Richard L.;Carvell, Doris;Carver, William W.;Casanova, Richard L.;Casey, David;Cassai, Mary A.;Cassidy, Christi;Castellon, Eduardo Santana;Caster, Kenneth E.;Castle, Peter W.;Castle, Robert;Caswell, Hal;Causse, Mary;Cazden, Courtney;Cermele, Carolyn Theis;Cittadino, Gene;Chadwick, Anthony;Chagas, Carlos;Chaiffetz, M.;Chaisson, Eric J.;Chalk, Rosemary;Chalmers, Neil R.;Chalumeau, F.;Chambers, Chris;Chance, Britton;Chancellor, Gordon;Chandlee, George O.;Chandler, Daniel Ross. Chapman, Roger G.;Charig, Andrew;Charlton, Nial;Charnov, Eric L.;Charpied, George;Chasan, Kathy;Chasse, Beatrice;Chayes, S.;Cherensky, Ed;Chibnik, Michael;Cholst, Sheldon;Chomsky, Noam et al.;Chow, Mincheu;Christianson, Dennis L.;Christianson, Eric H.;Christianson, Gale E.;Christopher, Robert C.;Chu, Penn Richard;Chugh, Mary;Chung, Daniel;Chung, Margaret G.;Churchill, Arthur C.;Chure, Daniel J.;Clark, Alison;Clark, Curtis;Clark, George A.;Clark, George R., II;Clark, Patricia;Clark, Roger G.;Clark, Sarah F.;Clarke, Dave;Claus, Ruth F.

Cleevely, Ron;Clemens, William A.;Cleminson, Neil;Close, Ann;Close, Henry;Cloutier, Clarence E.;Cobble, James W.;Cochran, J. Kirk;Cochran, Wendell;Cockrum, E.

Lendell;Coffin, Christina H.;Cohen, Deborah;Cohen, Irene;Cohen, I. Bernard;Cohen, I.

L.;Cohen, Josh;Cohen, Patricia Cline;Colarusso, John;Cole, John R.;Coleman, Jonathan;Coleman, Jules L.;Cope, Edward Drinker;Colless, Don;Collicott, Andy;Collicott, Sylvia L.;Collins, D. H.;Collins, Heather;Collins, Thomas M.;Colp, Ralph;Colwell, Rita R.;Combes, J. J.;Comden, Tippi;Condon, A. Coney, Cliff;Conlin, Sean;Connell, Will;Conner, Cliff;Conner, Stuart W.;Connor, Tim;Connors, Jerry;Conrad, Ernest C.;Conrich, Gary;Conry, Y.;Consi, P.;Constable, John D.;Conway, Thomas G.;Cook, Clifford;Cook, Robert E.;Cooke, Christopher;Coons, Richard;Cooper, B.;Cooper, Ilka Shore;Cooper, Kenneth W.;Copper, Paul;Corfield, Richard M.;Corliss, Jack;Corliss, William R.;Corning, Peter A.;Corrado, Giovanni;Cosatti, Amelia;Costa, Raymond L.;Costello, Walter J.;Cotter, Edward;Couzin, Dennis;Covalt, Ann;Covino, Benjamin G.;Cowden, Ronald R.;Cowen, Joanne;Coyne, Gregory R.;Coyne, Jerry;Crabtree, R. R.;Cracraft, Joel. Crafts, Bob;Craig, Sydney P., III;Cramer, David C.;Cramer, Howard R.;Crames, Peter;Craw, Robin C.;Crawford, Douglas L.;Crewe, Jennifer;Crites, John L.;Crittenden, Jack;Cromie, William J.;Crosby, Elizabeth R.;Cross, Samuel S.;Crowell, Kenneth L.;Crowther, Prudence;Crozier, Ross H.;Crypton;Crystal, Ross;Cuffey, Rojer J.;Culliton, Barbara J.;Cunningham, Ann-Marie;Cunningham, John;Cunyngham-Brown, Sjovald;Curio, E.;Curtis, Peter;Cushing, John;Cutler, Alan;Cutler, Bruce;Cysneiros, Paulo Gileno.

Dackman, Linda;Dagg, Anne Innis;Dammers, Kim;Danchin, Antoine;Danielli, James F.;Danielopol, D.;Daniels, Farrington, Jr.;Danner, Mark;Dansereau, Fred, Jr.;Danziger, Robert M.;Darby, David G.;Darling, Louis;Dasbach, Joseph M.;Dattner, Jacob;Davenport, David S.;Davies, J. E.;Davies, Owen;Davis, Hugh R.;Davis, Mark A.;Davis, Peter;Davis, Scott;Day, Ronald N.;D'costa, Wilfred;De Blij, Harm J.;de Launay, Louise D.;de Queiroz, Richard;de Rhoda, Andreas;Deag, John M.;Dean, H. David;Decker, Charles;Deegan, Linda;Deforge, Virginia M.;Degler, Carl N.;Delance, Jean Henri;Demopoulos, William;Denham, Woodrow W.;Dennett, Daniel C.;Derman, Lisa;Dew, Gordon;Dexter, Ralph W.;di Leonardo, Micaela;Di Lullo, Mario;Di Meo, Antonio;Diamond, Edwin;Diaz-Bolio, Jose;Dickinson, William R.;Dietrich, Richard T.;Dillingham, Beth;Dillon, Robert T., Jr.;Dillon, Wilton S.;Dimen-Schein, Muriel;Dixon, Thomas;Dobell, Byron;Dodson, Edward O.;Dodson, Peter;Dombrowski, JoAnne;Dommergues, Jean-Louis;Donaldson, J. Franklin;Donley, Carol;Donovan, D. T.;Dorfman, Donald D.;Dorr, Chris;Doster, Alexis, III. H., Jr.;Donat, James;Douglas, Arthur;Dowdey, Diane;Downhower, Jerry;Downie, Diane;Downing, Herbert H.;Downs, Robert B.;Drawhorn, Gerrell Miles;Dreben, Burton;Dressen, Mark F.;Drexler, Eric;Dreyfus, Marius;Dreyfus, Pierre M.;Dreyman, Ed;Drum, Jan;DuBois, Cary;Duberman, Martin B.;Ducklow, Hugh;Duecker, Kurt;Dunathan, Harmon;Duncan, James T.;Dundy, Alison;Dunham, Robert H.;Dunkle, Terry;Dunson, William A.;Dupre, John;Durdin, Wade;Durkin, James H.;Durkin, John T.;Durrell, Richard H.;Dworkin, Gerald;Dwyer, Michael J.;Dylewsky, Bill;Dymski, Gary;Dyson, Thomas;Dziewonski, Adam M. Arnheim, Rudolf; Berlin, Sir Isaiah; Bretz, J.

Harlen; Bunge, Mario; Cain, A.J.; Croizat, Leon; Davitasvili, L.S.; Dobzhansky,Th.; Eccles, John; Eysenck, H.J.; Fox, Munro H.; Hamilton, Bill; Hutchinson, G. Evelyn; Huxley, Sir Julian; Lewontin, R.C.and Baker, W.K.; L.L.W.; Luria, Salvador E.; Mather, Kirtley F.; Mayr, Ernst; Medawar, P.B.; Merton, Robert K.; Montagu,Ashley; Moore, Raymond C.; Naylor, Richard S.; Parsons, Talcott and Graubard, Stephen R.; Piaget, J.; Pauling, Linus; Ripley,S. Dillon; Rhodes, Frank H.T.; Sagan, Carl; Schmidt-Nielsen, Knut; Simpson, George; Skinner, B.F.; Smith, Cyril S.; Stebbins,G.

Ledyard; Steinberg, Saul; Sullivan, Walter; Sulloway, Frank; Teissier, G.; Thompson, Ruth D'Arcy; Waddington, C.H.; Wald,George; Wilson, E.O.; Yonge, Sir Maurice1965-1979. Asimov, Isaac; Berrill, John; Bok, Derek C.; Chomsky, Noam; Ehrlich, Paul R.; Elsasser, Walter M.; Eysenck, H.J.; Fuller,Buckminster; Glaser, Nathan; Glazer, Tom; Gardner, Martin; Haley, Alex; Harrington, Michael; Hofstadter, Robert; Holton, Gerry;Horowitz, Irving Louis; Inhelder, Barbel; Jacob, Francois; Johanson, Donald; Leakey, R.E.; Marshack, Alexander; Mayr, Ernst;Montagu, Ashley; Nader, Ralph and Burlingame, Michael; Nauta, Walle J.H.; Nichols, Roger L. And Washburn, Bradford; Nicholson,Thomas D.; Papp, Joseph; Pauling, Linus; Ripley, S. Dillon; Sagan, Carl; Samuelson, Paul A.; Scheuer, James H.; Skinner, B.F.;Simpson, George Gaylord; Stebbins, G. Ledyard; Stoker, Sir Michael; Thomas, Lew; Watson, J.D.; Weisskopf, Victor F.; Wright,Sewall1980-1984. Angell, Roger; Asimov, Isaac; Auel, Jean M.; Barber, Red; Bishop, J. Michael; Boorstin, Daniel J.; Calder, Nigel; Carter,Jimmy; Child, Julia; Cloud, Preston; Dyson, Freeman; Fadiman, Clifton; Galbraith, John Kenneth; Gottlieb, Robert; Hickey,Rev.

James A.; Hite, Shere; Howe, Irving; Kimura, Motoo; King, Stephen; Lamm, Richard D.; La Rose, Julius; Larson, Gary;Mayr, Ernst; Newell, Norman D.; Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy; Palmer, Geoffrey; Patterson, Colin; Purcell, Ed; Randi, James;Sagan, Carl; Sibley, Charles; Simon, Herbert A.; Stebbins, Ledyard; Sullivan, Kathryn; Sullivan, Walter; Sulzberger, Mrs.Arthur Hays; Varmus, Harold; Vonnegut, Kurt; Werner?; Wilson, Richard E.1985-1989. This series contains of an array of materials from Gould's youth that documents the development of many of his lifelong scientificinterests, hobbies, and passions. The bulk of this series is made up of Gould's academic coursework and notebooks from elementaryschool through college. Some items of note include Gould's early correspondence with his parents, with whom he had a verystrong and nurturing relationship, and with Edwin H. Colbert of the American Museum of Natural History about his interestin exploring a career in paleontology. Other noteworthy items include drawings and paintings by Gould, baseball scorebooks,programs from choral performances, and newspaper clippings about desegregation efforts he followed closely and/or participatedin while attending Antioch College and the University of Leeds. This series is comprised of manuscripts and related materials from Gould's many books and publications, as well as unpublishedwritings.

It includes materials from books he authored or co-authored, as well as his monthly columnThis View of Life, which appeared inNatural History magazine for over 25 years. Included are typed and handwritten manuscripts, research notes, galleys, design proofs, promotionalmaterial, reviews of publications, and related correspondence. Research materials and correspondence related to individualpieces remain with each work.