Archive Name And Parameters In Statistics

02.02.2020by admin

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Parameters and StatisticsA parameter is a numerical quantity that describes some characteristic of a population. Parameters are often estimated since their value is generally unknown, especially when the population is large enough that it is impossible or impractical to obtain measurements for all observations.

Parameters are normally represented by Greek letters. The most common parameters are the population mean and variance, represented by the Greek letters m and s 2, respectively.A statistic is a quantitative value that is calculated from the observations in a sample. They are usually represented by lowercase English letters with other symbols.

The sample mean and variance, two of the most common statistics derived from samples, are denoted by the symbols x and s 2, respectively.

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PropertyDescriptionParameter typeStringSyntaxLOGARCHIVEFORMAT = filenameDefault valueOperating system-dependentModifiableNoRange of valuesAny string that resolves to a valid filenameBasicNoReal Application ClustersMultiple instances can have different values, but identical values are recommended.LOGARCHIVEFORMAT is applicable only if you are using the redo log in ARCHIVELOG mode. Use a text string and variables to specify the default filename format when archiving redo log files. The string generated from this format is appended to the string specified in the LOGARCHIVEDEST parameter.The following variables can be used in the format:%s log sequence number%S log sequence number, zero filled%tthread number%Tthread number, zero filled%a activation ID%d database ID%r resetlogs ID that ensures unique names are constructed for the archived log files across multiple incarnations of the databaseUsing uppercase letters for the variables (for example,%S) causes the value to be fixed length and padded to the left with zeros. An example of specifying the archive redo log filename format follows:LOGARCHIVEFORMAT = 'log%t%s%r.arc'Neither LOGARCHIVEDEST nor LOGARCHIVEFORMAT have to be complete file or directory specifiers themselves; they only need to form a valid file path after the variables are substituted into LOGARCHIVEFORMAT and the two parameters are concatenated together.