Pdf File Upload In Joomla Modules

21.01.2020by admin
Pdf File Upload In Joomla Modules
  1. Pdf File Upload In Joomla Modules Download

I've created a module that has: When i try to read that parameter by $params-get('arquivo') the only thing i get is the filename. I've already did a search on Directories for the filename and found nothing. Does joomla really upload that file? If it does, where it puts?Thanks in advance.EDITI've just looked into form tag on Joomla's Administrative Panel on the selected module, it's missing the enctype for files, maybe this is the problem?

This is from an episode of 'Super Circus', the complete telecast can also be found on IA. Free

Pdf File Upload In Joomla Modules Download

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If it is, how can i put it there?