Hp Data Protector Express Keygenguru

19.01.2020by admin
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Message: service not found.I cannot get this software to work at all. I came in Monday morning to find the backup had not worked.

Tried to login to the admin interface & the above message came up. I have uninstalled it & reinstalled, patched with SP4 but to no avail.All the associated services are up & running, only one I've noticed a problem with is Removable storage, which is disabled. When I enable it & put it on automatic, it reverts to disabled on its own.Please help as I havent backed up since Thursday now!! Tomtom pocket pc mio 1680.

Hp data protector express keygenguru download

This is usually a permissions problem. The User Account or the Data Protector Express Service does not have sufficient privileges to be able to access the data.Make sure that you are logged on as an Administrator or Backup Operator and that the Data Protector Express service has logon privileges that are sufficient to gain access to any drives.By default the Data Protector Express Service runs in the SYSTEM account context. This account, or the currently logged on User Account must have explicitly defined Full Control Permissions to all directories or files that Data Protector Express will back up.Dave L. I have got the same problem, and tried everything.

The backup was running perfectly and suddenly stopped working. When I restarted the server on some given day I got this error 59 and 'The desired service was not found.

Either the service is no longer active, or the machine providing the service is unavailable at this time'and with no possibility in starting up the software. This is a major issue cause we must back-up.The software uses the system account and has all the appropiate rights. I also used the administrator for trial. I also upgraded to SP4 and this didn't seem to work either.Has anyone a clue because this is a big issue for us!thank you in advance.

Hp Data Protector Express Keygenguru

Hp Data Protector Express Keygenguru Phone Number

Hi Erik,There are a couple of other things to check depending on your configuration.First, make sure the service dpwinsvc is running (I am assuming this is a Windows Server). If it is loaded but not running try to manually start the service.Next, when you reinstalled did you re-enter your license key?Next, what other software did you install or update about the same time DP Express stopped working? Anti-spyware and firewall sofware often get in the way.Finally, how many machines are in your backup domain and which machines are giving you the message? With more than one machine we have seen this to be caused by network problems.I hope one of these ideas might help.Dave L. I have the same problem with DP Express but not SSE edition.

Hp Data Protector Express Software

I was stuck on this also with new install of ultrium 3000 w/P212-zm controller on 2008R2. After reading comments added drive letter to 2008 repair partition and PRESTO! I must add, i went through firmware update on both controller and ultrium drive and all windows updates, which is generally a good idea on new install, but was a pain in the arse.There was an ADDITIONAL problem, the status stuck at 6% on the status screen for 50 minutes. The log screen showed completed. After completion, the time counter reset to 38 minutes even thought the status screen still showed 6% after 50 minutes. Finally, log screen showed all stats as unavailable for status selected completed and failed.

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The report during showed 1 item failure, but it never printed into log.So, the 4.0 sp1 with the drive letter assigned to the recovery drive DID make backup with the above errors. I tested a small restore to verify. OBVIOUSLY there are still errors in the software for R2, and making 5.0 findable is critical. At least I have a backup while that goes on!