Strategy Process Content Context International Perspective Ebook

09.01.2020by admin

The belief that managers and potential managers will profit from understanding the major conflicting approaches to strategy forms the point of departure for this book. Ignoring the profound differences between the various schools of thought does not enhance a manager’s or student’s capacity for strategic thinking. Rather, it is only when there is knowledge of the various points of view can strategists truly see the range of options open to them. Then they can find a way to choose between them, or integrate them, to be practically effective.This book is intended for readers who need a strategy text, without the case material. Ron Meyer is Professor of Corporate Strategy at TiasNimbas Business School, Tilburg University.


Ron studied Political Science at the University of Alberta in his native Canada. After receiving his bachelor's degree he moved to the Netherlands and got his MBA and PhD at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. From 1987 to 1998 he was a professor of strategic management at the Rotterdam School of Management / Erasmus Graduate School of Management. During this period he taught strategy in 15 countries, at universities and in companies, and acted as consultant to a wide variety of firms. For two years he was also Associate Director of RSM, in charge of managing the MBA Program.

Since 1998, at the Center for Strategy & Leadership and its predecessors, Ron has combined boardroom consultancy work with in-company trainings and applied management research. As consultant he works with many top international companies on such topics as corporate strategy, business innovation, strategic alliances and strategies for growth. As trainer he has given seminars and training courses to hundreds of companies around the world and lectured at more than 30 universities. He has (co-)authored numerous articles and books, among which the internationally leading textbook on strategic management, Strategy - Process, Content, Context: An International Perspective. Over 250.000 copies have been sold so far and the book is used at more than 200 business schools around the world. In 2005 the 2nd edition was published of Strategy Synthesis: Resolving Strategy Paradoxes to Create Competitive Advantage, while his latest book, Mapping the Mind of the Strategist, was published in 2007.

Find more information about:ISBN: 67282719OCLC Number:55068108Description:xxiv, 957 pages: illustrations (some color); 26 cmContents:Sect. Strategy -1. Introduction -Sect. Strategy Process -2. Strategic thinking -3. Strategy formation -4.

Strategic change -Sect. Strategy Content -5. Business level strategy -6. Corporate level strategy -7.

Strategy Process Content Context An International Perspective Pdf

Network level strategy -Sect. Strategy Context -8. The industry context -9. The organizational context -10. The international context -Sect.

Purpose -11. Organizational purpose -Sect. Cases.Responsibility:Bob de Wit, Ron Meyer.More information:.