Python Event Driven Serial Killers

30.01.2020by admin

As much as they might scare some people, at least monsters, serial killers, and are scary in a comprehensible way.This is where Surreal Horror comes in. It's not just, it's nightmarish in a literal way, by being surreal, disjointed, dreamlike, and filled with bizarre imagery, usually In some cases, though,This is likely the main reason, along with other creatures of the.It's worth noting that not all Surreal Horror works may be considered 'horror' in the genre sense, but they're horrifying all the same.Often overlaps with,. The Eclipse (which took place in a nightmare realm called the Nexus) and in.: Some of the has aspects of this. is this combined with., normally an upbeat, stylish, for the episode 'Pierrot Le Fou', where Spike is hunted by a bizarre, balloon-like, and apparently invincible assassin. Given how realistic and low-key the show usually is, the sudden shift in tones is than most examples as a result. has some moments of. Like when a disguises itself as the water in Miki's bathtub, and attempts to drown her.

The works of. And are what happens when he crosses it with. runs on this, especially the during the. Pretty much every manga by Umezu Kazuo, notably in which an entire elementary school is transported to a nightmarish world, and, in which a humanoid chicken (named George) is leading Nature's revenge against the industrialized humanity. Bizarre imagery abounds, characters and architecture are truly strange-looking, and the series' roots in Japanese horror folk tales are rife with surrealism.

combines classic Japanese horror myths with a surreal art style and puzzle-like battles. and all of the works of, due to belonging in the 'ero-guro', or erotic-grotesque movement.: The second half, especially when the mass-production Evas become covered in bubbling, multiplying Rei-faces. The spectacle will likely leave you with the same look on your face as Shinji. There is a taste of it as early in the second episode, when Shinji sees the reflection of his Eva after a battle, half its skull showing through broken armor. A giant eyeball regenerates in the socket while he's watching, then it focuses on him.

He passes out screaming. The reaction is understandable., especially later on in the movie. It is about the merging of dreams and the real world, so this is to be expected. is about a serial assaulter who hits people of low sanity with a bent golden This increases when he begins exhibiting unhuman powers, and events are often shown from the mental perspectives of the characters. The Witches' labyrinths in.

Most of which look like getting attacked by a cross between a painting and the opening theme song to. physically represents the Internet as another layer of reality. Unlike other shows which would display a friendly, clean cyberworld, Lain portrays it as disorienting and bizarre. Add in hallucinations and the blending of the real world and the Wired (Internet) and several scenes get quite intensely strange. Even the more mundane stuff has a surprisingly unsettling atmosphere.: 90% of this can be attributed to Kishin Asura, he practically has as a., a 1972 Japanese animated short based on the paintings of with a weird psychedelic rock soundtrack. The series version of has several episodes that easily fall into the surreal horror category, but as for the last story arc, two words: Chicken. And it is terrifying.; the demons he painted might have founded and even this very trope.

'Fantastic Period' between the '60s and '80s. He said he wanted his work to look like photographs of dreams, not necessarily anything horrific. He created, after all. 's 'Black Period'., one of the most famous artists who took inspiration from dreams.

is a good example of mental deterioration affecting one's art in this way. Near the end of his life, he suffered from what is believed to be severe schizophrenia, so his comical drawings of ◊ in transformed into increasingly abstract pictures that hardly ◊.: The Corinthian has shades of this, where this trope meets the more reasonable horror trope of the. Guy who strips teenage boys to their underwear, ties them up, then cuts out their eyes to eat them? Freaky but not too out of place in a realistic setting. Immortal literal nightmare who's been doing this for about forty years running for his own amusement? (And, of course, he has in his eye sockets in lieu of eyes.

Yet he can still see. And he can eat things with them, like people's fingers if they try to take his shades.

And if he eats someone's eyes that way he can see things they've seen.). Every conversation about will bring up. It was the creator had, and a man with ◊ growing from his is one of the more normal things that you'll find inside. and its spin-offs.

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Throw Goth, and in a blender and you get this. And the inside of 's brain. Much of 's run on. Notably, the Scissormen, his first story-arc. Weird, red-suited -lookalikes. Oh, but they have scissors for hands, and speak in nonsense phrases, and 'cut' people out of reality and into a city in another dimension. Grant Morrison, long story short.

's first villain was the American Scream, and the blend of Surreal Horror with and recurred throughout the series. is one of the weirdest books DC has put out in years. Scott Free's story is frequently interrupted by ' moments, grotesque violence, and bizarre, many of which are implied to be a side effect of Scott's And although, the menacing atmosphere means the reader will never be able to forget how the power of Darkseid is growing with every issue that passes. 'An imagination is a powerful tool. It can tint memories of the past, shade perceptions of the present, or paint a future so vivid that it can entice. Or terrify, all depending upon how we conduct ourselves today.”. often resembles a Victorian morality fable, but more random.?

The fish are fighting back, and ready to eat you! Ignore the warning not to go sledding on a particular hill? There's a monster hiding under the snow at the bottom!

Naturally, the emphasis here tends to be on the brutal death awaiting those who make the wrong choice. Watch out for. It also contains elements of, which makes the atmosphere even more unsettling. The content of the video tape in is clearly a homage to.: One of the main reasons this founding work is so creepy. The plot itself generally makes sense, but the set designs, costumes, and overall mood are very dreamlike and strange, even for a silent movie.

is one of the weirdest of 's feature films, although his short film Rabbits (about 40 minutes long) is just as (if not more) surreal. Other David Lynch movies (especially ) also show signs of this. A few scenes in as well, particularly the Winkies scene and the scenes involving the old people.: There is a play so decadent that it acts as a linked to a implied to be the of decadence; we don't know how that can even be possible. And the play is also linked to a cursed symbol which summons an undead creature; that creature's nature/origins are completely unexplained. We don't even know if the depicted in The Repairer of Reputations is real or not; the tales featuring the play are interconnected, but that's the only one which explicitly depicts such a world, and it has an. Everything is weird and nothing is certain; only decadence and doom are (except for the sort-of lucky pair in The Mask. Maybe).: A horse with a hundred horse legs, 50 human heads, 200 human legs, and the whole thing is purple.

Lovecraft one ups that by 100 levels.: A book that is a labyrinth of, set in a house featuring a hostile labyrinth built from that, featuring stories that or may all just be a tangle of metaphors. This is the reason some people find to be nightmarish rather than amusing. tends to do nightmarish imagery a lot. Is a good short-form example., who has drawn on a lifetime of intricate and disturbing nightmares for much of his writing. 's has as the theme that there are some things you just can't understand and sometimes you'll never have answers. Also, the things that come out of the Buick's trunk make you feel like you're being raped. They're not even malicious, but their bizarre nature horrifies everyone who sees them.

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is a nightmarishly surreal novel by Irish author Flann O Brien (think James Stephens meets while being dictated to by ) and after reading you'll probably never look at a bicycle in the same way again. The alien needle monsters in take strange, absurd shapes, and the title character nicknames them things like 'herbivore' and 'giraffe'. Lots of 's works use this. For instance, has a scene in which a prostitute swallows a man through her vagina, and ' shows us a deranged version of in which Aslan fucks the White Witch and gruesomely devours the Pevensie children.

Hell, even his kids' books revel in this. Is about a girl who crawls through a tunnel into another world full of puppets who want to stitch buttons onto her eyes, and has a scene in which two children enter a mausoleum inhabited by a naked, tattooed Celtic warrior (who, thankfully, isn't real) and an enormous, undead, snakelike monster. Even the original series introduced this at one point, when the characters sail through a fog of nightmares in. Since, some of these nightmares are pretty surreal — for example, Eustace's nightmare involves giant scissors,. (Though it became after featured a more comedic with giant scissors, this time representing the threat of a.). The crude humor might lead you to assume otherwise, but it's definitely horrific and strange.

The Torque in China Mieville's. A cancerous force of mutation that is hard to describe in its effects. It blights the landscape turning them into constantly shifting and wrong geometries, it has startling effects on living things (one of the most prominent examples in the series is a train full of people, merged with the train car they were in turned into one enormous amoeba like mass which seems impervious to damage, or the researcher who slowly notices that small circular holes of herself are disappearing).

Even the main character of the first book views Torque as an uncontrollable and terrifying force. The later stages of. What starts off as a shadowy ghost story takes a full turn into reality-warping horror by the final third of the novel.

Nikon dtm a20 manual transmission diagram. starts out as a silly, absurdist parody. Until about halfway through, where it starts veering into this trope by to live in a world where things like loyalty oaths or turning a profit by selling eggs to yourself are treated as totally sensible and rational; many of the characters show absolutely no reaction to the utterly bizarre and horrific events occurring around them, culminating in Aarfy getting off after raping and murdering a woman. Because nobody with the power to punish him cared enough to do so. reads like a fever dream. The world reflects the fears of all the characters in the most bizarre way possible, and things continue to unravel the further they go, typically ending in a forest made of liquid meat that surrounds a black hole shaped like a willow with teeth. Various scenes from (again by ), including the dream at the end of episode 2, the Black Lodge scenes in the finale, and every scene with Killer BOB. 's lyrics fall here pretty often.

Especially 'A Baby for Pree' and 'Two-Headed Boy'. 'Revolution #9' by has this effect on some people. It's a mashup of strange sounds which bears little to no resemblance to what most people think of as 'music.' . Some of 's early instrumentals have this effect on some people, particularly ', ', and '.

You can definitely count also '.' . 's ', which also overlaps with. An avant-garde music group formed in the 1960's who have managed to stay anonymous throughout their whole career. Besides the music itself, the music videos, video game and other creative output all serve to emphasize this. Pretty much everything by, an experimental industrial band from New York. One of the band's members, singer/songwriter/proverbial witch and keyboardist Jarboe, has solo material that delves so far into the realms of Surreal/Psychological Horror to the point that it becomes impossible to listen, although you can't help but wait it out in terror.

The release of their 2012 album marked their 30th anniversary; it sounds as though they haven't missed a step nor do they plan on doing so. Many modern bands that focus around using dissonance, disorientating time signatures and bizarre vocal styles to create an extremely dark and dreamy atmosphere fall into this. Examples include, Artificial Brain. This style can be traced back to ' album Obscura and the Finnish band Demilich; arguably the two most unsettling examples. were influenced by movies like.

The later works of are the stuff of nightmares, especially the album the Drift. Antihoney, a Japanese musical project, features a unique dreamlike soundscape. Their songs are free, available to download on their. The music is already pretty weird on its own (some songs even completely reversed on release), the ethereal vocals only emphasizes the creepiness. It was brought to fame (among fans) largely by the sinister imagery created in the by Youtube animator, and they fit suprisingly well with the music. It's,.

slips into this at times, with their odd and odd, music. 's for ' — well, what do you expect for a song with about dementia brought on by the terminal stages of 's AIDS?. Likewise, 's for the song 'Ashes to Ashes' on his album. Again, the song itself has some dark, this time about Bowie's drug addiction — though as with the aforementioned Queen song, the video is just a mishmash of freaky images. Even darker are Bowie's videos for ' and ', both released right before he died.

Much like the example above, many of the stranger bands in are prone to doing this, often through use of, bizarre vocals, dissonant guitar tunings, and unconventional song structures. And are the poster boys for this style. Some of the other bands who practice it include Oranssi Pazuzu, Jute Gyte, Spectral Lore, and arguably.: Throughout the short-film, it's clear that something isn't right in the house, and there are moments of very strange and nightmarish imagery alongside the otherwise mundane scenes of Amy and John giving the Cowboy a house-tour; for example, their doorbell ends up spooling-out on the ground like a noodle, they own a 'weapon' that looks more like an ominous breathing sock, and have a room full of people 'sleeping'. Everything just leads to more questions, and nothing is resolved or explained by the end. straddles the line between and this, focusing on news broadcasts from a small town with a terrible and unknowable dog park (where dogs are not allowed), a faceless old woman who lives in your house (yes, yours), a Boy Scout troop with ranks that go up to 'Eternal Scout' and whose initiation ceremonies result in dark-eyed children coming to town, and the sheer carnage of Street Cleaning Day.

can venture into this on occasion, especially whenever the finds themselves dealing with The Other Circus. Including the protagonists, at the end of season 3. You know things are bad when the violin music in the intro is replaced by circus noise.: Try leafing through the descriptions of Chaos mutations sometime.

And good luck catching a peaceful night's rest if you do. Oh, and Chaos imagery and architecture also counts.

Explicitly described is the alphabet of Chaos as 'sanity blasting sigils'. embodies this trope, as it lacks a dice mechanic and largely consists of furious ranting at a world gone wrong. In, players may have to run through a session or two of this if they die and come back harrowed or travel through the Hunting Grounds.

has Arcadia, comprised of the domains of. The other in the pale compared to it, simply due to its sheer variety and absurdity.: The entirety of the Wyld. Mortals entering it will be unmade, but the Exalts might have a slight chance of surviving with both their mind and body intact. In, Chessboard One has elements of this.

The Chessboards below it are this. The Hastur Mythos in are made of this, because Hastur personifies the breaking of the laws of reality and logic. They are modelled after. It’s horrific when an unnatural tome reveals the secrets of the universe, it’s surreal horror when that book written in 1611 contains a description of you down to the smallest details, including the fact that you’re reading that book right now.

In, the player characters are people with abnormal insomnia that gain strange powers (which work with dream logic) and are driven to a place called Mad City, a city that is a total mess full with and where all the missing things and people from our world go. Also, the city is ruled by that prey on humans and have dream logic powers as the protagonists. has players as magic-users called vislae who have discovered the Actuality, a dream-like dimension of magic and imagination. With its fantastical nature, the imagery can quickly go from semi-normal to nightmarish when spells are used, leaving characters covered in screaming mouths, having eyeballs for fingertips, or any other kind of twisted deformations that they can use to hurt others. Or as an advantage for themselves.

The horror comes especially when the story involves a horrific war of magic that happened in the past and caused many vislae to flee the Actuality in the first place. A cruel caste system ruled by little girls is weird enough, but then there's the monsters.

The series sometimes drifts into this:. contains several examples:. Pyramid Head's appearance in is also a visual example of, with his massive, rusted polygonal head that could never be supported by the rest of his body.

It's even deconstructed; it's shown that he hates the big heavy helmet but has long since given up on trying to get it off. The of several locations are very disorienting. Maria's repeated deaths and are very disquieting. The nightmare hospital from and its infamous mirror room that shows various mismatched reflections.

has an infamous hospital. ' playable teaser has you looping through a slowly degrading suburban home over and over again, finding -esque babies in a decrepit bathroom and talking to a mutated paper bag, among other strange things. Alice in Wonderland was pretty surreal already, so of course a darker version of it is going to evoke this. Sure, it's, and dreams are weird, but how many people have full of bloody eyeballs?. The, such as and. In the angle runs rampant, especially once your sanity meter runs low. The whole thing is just one big screwed up wide awake nightmare.

and its sequel,. The atmosphere is very oppressive and your goals vague - even the gameplay evokes this trope through the bizarre perspective tricks. While much of is surreal and trippy, its endgame heads into this trope. 's famous removed even more so., which is the story of Little Red Riding Hood as a series of nonsensical (or possibly allegorical) scenes and vignettes., especially the original release due to a heavy atmosphere created by the limitations of the system.

The Orz from are your, who look a bit like large parrotfish, and, due to their being too alien for the to manage, they also speak in. And remember:. When it isn't a tactical shooter, goes for this. One of the highlights of the first game was an extended sequence where you couldn't be sure if the man taunting you was a hallucination or in the room with you, and doors you were trying to flee through seemed to move away from you. It ended with a dive into a pool of blood that left you standing beneath a gore-soaked ceiling. In the first expansion to F.E.A.R, there was a very memorable sequence where the player tries to open a door at the end of a hallway.

Finding it locked, you turn around to see that the hallway you had just came down had transformed into the entrance way to an asylum. Entering one room and finding it empty, save for an operating chair and a door on the end. Go through that, and find TWO operating chairs. Repeat until blood starts appearing and the increasingly large volume of chairs start getting attached to the walls and the ceiling, as the walls start to progressively cave in. Hmm. looks like a standard at first, but the observant player will notice something. Odd about these undead.

(For instance, they as they attack.) The farther you get, the crazier it gets. The series.

Baldi: Great! You're doing fantastic! Problem three! Plus times equals.

player inevitably gives a wrong answer I GET ANGRIER FOR EVERY PROBLEM YOU GET WRONG. and its spinoffs and are full of nightmarish imagery, which particularly spikes up when your gets low. Sunless Skies takes the cake for taking place in a world where the. drifts deeper into this the further you stray from the main plot. The is filled with nightmarish enemies, like huge skeletal mantises and the giant floating head of a little girl that’s.

Then there’s the many hidden rooms sprinkled throughout the game, like Ny’agai Street and the haunted subway platform, that seem to exist purely for the sake of being utterly weird. And don’t even get us started on the secret “,” which calls the game’s entire setting into question in the freakiest way possible. In short, if you follow the plot and don’t get lost, then you’ll have a grand old time; but if you wander off the path, you might end up in a totally different, much creepier type of game., being set in, is packed with this, from the bizarre enemies to the way the protagonist can to the. uses this and creepy art to its advantage. Talking Communist dogs, Stan's repeating deaths, the obsession with faces (or lack of), no inner fourth wall with a TV that can control space.

has one where Sette falls through a shadow and into the Khert, or fabric of reality itself, which is created from the memories of the dead. It's as bizarre as it sounds. is plenty surreal from the first strip, but the oven-head monster is even worse than the carnivorous umbrellas. At least the seems friendly.: Maybe half the dimensions Josie ends up visiting in 'I Looked into the Abyss', including one that was half and half.

Many pieces use this; the objects are often extremely strange (some are even surreal without being particularly horrific) and the way the clinical, detached nature of each article gives you a feeling that, even though you have some information, exactly what these things are all about. A few specific examples include, and. The artist behind 's image, has a reputation of creating artwork not that out of place from the SCP Foundation's world. is full of this. The story focuses on a community of ordinary people being under attack by bizarre, uncannily-built monsters and creatures from another dimension — one of which is capable of putting its victims into a coma if they gaze at its body.

Python Event Driven Serial Killers List

As the story progresses, the characters venture into the eponymous City, an in another dimension full of these creatures, as well as powerful deities and entities that have the power to travel between the City and the real world as they attempt to destroy the universe. runs wild on this, starting with accounts of bizarre called 'flesh interfaces' appearing all over the world, a terrible being called, and time travel, among many equally weird things.

This one is particularly notorious not only for its content but for its dissemination, rather than posting the stories in one place at one time, the author cut out tiny snippets and, sometimes on pages that had. heavily favors examples of this to more conventional horror, the are prime examples., especially the videos made. A lot of, actually, especially once sets in.

After all, it's a freaking terrifying /artificial where the primary figure is. Many of the videos made by ' in. Especially his videos 'username666', 'another youtube', 'pokopokopikotan', 'none', 'cooking idol' and 'embryo' just to mention some of them. He likes to make scary videos with Japanese terror legends and other related things.

The viral video has a trio of puppet characters enjoying themselves by using their imaginations. Until their imaginations turn the video nightmarishly surreal. In the end, everyone decides, The sequels are at least as terrifyingly bizarre as the original. 's ' discusses some of these moments (in addition to some less scary ones, like from and the to ).

In a meta-example, the video itself can be pretty freaky too., while obstinately driven by, is not afraid to play into this at times, especially in second 'season' which overall is markedly darker than the first. Just check out the ending of '. 's video, Serious Lore Analysis 3, an analysis of and its animated series, and that has Hbomb getting hunted by a masked man trying to stop Hbomb from creating lore analysis videos. is known for this, in particular the episodes 'Dream Machine' (with Jailbot's dream of being the Warden's human(oid) son resulting in animation part, and the part where the Warden dreams of his crotch morphing into Jared's head and face, while his dream version of Alice quickly rots into an angered zombie that shouts 'I need my BEAUTY SLEEP!' ) and 'Don't Be A Negaton' (the hallucination scene at the end, especially with the rotting dog and D.L.

Diamond's actual face without his wig or makeup is exposed as sore-infested and decaying). Shows in general could probably qualify.

It's usually but occasionally it crosses the line into whacked out nightmares. delves into this on occasion, in particular 'Hermit Ren' and the Commander Hoek and Cadet Stimpy episodes. Lots of too. tends towards this sort of style to keep its scary.:.

In 'Nightmares and Daydreams', most of Aang's nightmares (and later, hallucinations) are merely funny. However, his last nightmare before he decides to avoid sleep altogether (leading to the hallucinations) is downright terrifying, even making Momo (Aang's ) creepy. Zuko's in 'The Earth King.'

. The paraphernalia wagon sequence from. It's very easily comparable to, being basically the protagonist walking through a series of strange, nightmarish visuals. On the topic of cartoons, features a similarly creepy about building weapons of mass destruction. The Butter Battle Book is way darker than Seuss's other material for kids, and directed the, so no surprise there.

The collective animation project Hopital Brut (French for 'Gross Hospital') has something to do with horrific experiments at the eponymous hospital, including lobotomies that entail the complete obliteration of the rest of the head. It's best not viewed by the or the.:. It drifts into this sometimes, particularly the episode 'No One Can Hear You' where a deer is depicted with human hands. To say nothing of the, which is more or less a cute animated version of Bosch's hell. exhibits this whenever Him (a crossdresser Humanoid Abomination) shows up.

has, living embodiment of all that is both deranged. And.

Of all places, this shows up to surprisingly chilling effect in in 'Rusty and the Boulder', aka the infamous It concerns a new quarry that's being dug in the mountains of Sodor, but the mountain they dig into happens to have a gigantic, boulder sitting on the cliff face high above,. To make matters worse, the boulder is to be sentient, with Rusty feeling like he's whenever he's near it, and when rock fragments start falling onto the railway below, he observes 'The boulder is telling us to go away.'

When it inevitably falls off the cliff onto the rail line, it seems to the engines in ways that should not be physically possible and completely defy the laws of physics (moving, not losing any speed when going uphill, and even appearing Rusty and his driver at one point) before eventually destroying a shed and almost several of the engines. Oh, and it has a that we see twice, once when it's staring at Rusty on the clifftop and at the end when the Fat Controller moves it to another mountain very far away like he's trying to exorcise a demon. Fat Controller:. ' -directed. Yes, it's a satire of. Doesn't make it any less surreal/disturbing (it looks like something could make when trying to imitate The Simpsons; it even mentions viewers' flippers.

And whoever made it ). The show also parodied in the second part of 'Who Shot Mr. Chief Wiggum falls asleep on the job and finds himself in a strange building (which looks just like the Black Lodge), where a dreamlike version of Lisa makes odd, cryptic references ('THIS. BETTER') in a stilted voice and reality changes at a moment's notice. The trouble is that Wiggum is to figure out what the heck is happening, and Dream!Lisa is eventually forced to outright tell him her message ('BURNS'S SUIT!' When the Chief awakens, he happily talks about the 'weird backwards-talking dream' he just had, prompting concern from the other cops. Some of the episodes of qualify, possibly unintentionally.

The most obvious case is the Season 7 episode 'Squidward in Clarinetland': it starts with two nausea-inducing scenes of Krabs completely breaking out in hives, and SpongeBob getting the flesh of his right arm eaten off by a cloud of insect-like creatures. The first navigates a labyrinth of filing cabinets that, while following SpongeBob, whose laugh is unusually creepy in this episode. Then he opens a door, and winds up in a field that is empty except for the giant clarinets growing out of the ground and a buried, talking eagle head, which eats him.

In its stomach, we see that the eagle has multiple esophagi despite only having one beak. Then Squidward gets flushed out of the eagle's stomach, somehow winding up inside a pinball machine which turns out to be a giant SpongeBob, with a giant Patrick there to torment him as well. Even the admits that 'this episode scares children.'

.; especially episodes happening in or those that involve poltergeists, goblins and the like. is essentially just a series of short nightmares directly transcribed into a television format, and in the stop-motion animation, with all the horrifying strangeness that implies. It's done by the same people who did and, so if you've seen any of those shows, you. Nightmares, as the opening description implies. They have inspired more than one example of this trope.

Who knows what have in store for you?. Hallucinogenic drugs. Some are renowned for causing nightmarish trips, but even the nicer ones can cause bad trips if poorly prepared or spiked, or if the imbiber is unlucky enough to have a negative reaction. Notable examples include:. K-2 is synthetic marijuana that has been banned from Michigan. The drug seems to slow time like regular marijuana, but it gives an extreme high that lasts a short period. It can react poorly in some people and cause them to be confused and dangerous to themselves and the people around them.

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People who take it can still move freely (if they don't faint) and can become easily frightened by the strange sensations they are experiencing. Non-violent people will suddenly assault seven people in half an hour. The experience messes with time perception and memory so badly, it can feel like a person has been trapped in some kind of prison for years. It can also cause a user to have periods of what feels like a panic attack months after use. There's also Salvia divinorum, which takes the horror to even more horrifying degrees than K-2. Google deep dream: using AI to generate (or rather “dream”) examples of faces, animals, eyes, etc. On top of an image.

The results are cool, but also disturbing in every sense of the word. Both and hallucinations may lead to this.