Eee Pc 701 Usb 2.0 Driver

24.01.2020by admin

Background and IdentificationThe ASUS EEE PC701SD-WHI004X is a miniature laptop released in 2007. This version of the laptop comes with Microsoft Windows XP, although some versions of the laptop come with Linux. The laptop was marketed as a budget-option laptop, but manages to hold up well despite both its age, and its budget status.

Usb 2.0 Drivers


The advertising slogan for this laptop was 'Easy to learn, Easy to work, Easy to play' which shows that this laptop was mainly advertised towards people who don't know very much information about computers and how to navigate through more challenging programs.The retail price of this laptop when it came out in 2007 was around $400 depending where you got it from. Even though this is a fairly inexpensive laptop, it defiantly has a good build quality. It has some weight to it but unfortunately a fair amount of that is in the screen which means if you open the screen up all the way it may tip over. It will stay up one its own with the screen fully open but with just a slight nudge it falls onto the back of the screen.This laptop came in black and white and with 512 megabytes of RAM. It also has a seven inch screen and an 8 gigabyte SSD. This laptop is dated, being the earliest in the EEE series of ASUS laptops, it it succeed by the 900 series of EEE laptops. With the latest versions running windows 8.1.