This game is commonly called as Nine Men's Morris. This provides 24 intersecting points arranged in16 lines of three. Know the game and board setup: The board has three 'concentric' squares linked at the mid points of their sides. Download lan games project 20 tsrh intranet free. The board is filled with green holes at intersection points which are valid positions on the board.
I am trying to create.appxbundle using msbuild from developer command prompti am using below command to create the same MSBuild KitabooBookshelf.sln /p:Configuration=Release;OutDir=.Release;AppxBundle=Always;AppxBundlePlatforms='x86 x64 ARM'but getting below processor architecture error. I did not find much useful resource related to this issue though many have faced similar issue. I am new to Windows store Application. Trying to figure what i am doing wrong & how can i create.appxbundle using msbuild'E:Kitaboo Windows 8.1 2nd June2015KitabooBookShelfKitabooBookshelf.csproj' (default target) (1)-'E:Kitaboo Windows 8.1 2nd June2015DatabaseLibraryDatabaseLibrary.csproj' ( default target) (3) -(ResolveSDKReferences target) - C:Program Files(x86)MSBuild12.0binMicrosoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(1803,5): error MSB3779: The processor architecture of the projectbeing buil t 'Any CPU' is not supported by the referenced SDK'Microsoft.VCLibs, Version=12.0'. Please consider changing the targeted processor architecture of your proj ect (in Visual Studio this can be done through theConfiguration Manager) to on e of the architectures supported by theSDK: 'x86, x64, ARM'. E:Kitaboo Windo ws 8.1 2nd June2015DatabaseLibraryDatabaseLibrary.csprojC:Program Files(x86)MSBuild12.0binMicrosoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(1803,5): error MSB3779: The processor architecture of the projectbeing buil t 'Any CPU' is not supported by the referenced SDK'SQLite.WinRT81, Version=3.9.2'. Please consider changing thetargeted processor architecture of your proje ct (in Visual Studiothis can be done through the Configuration Manager) to one of thearchitectures supported by the SDK: 'x86, x64, ARM'.E:Kitaboo Window s 8.1 2nd June2015DatabaseLibraryDatabaseLibrary.csproj.
I am finally spending few hours able to solve this issueBelow is the command to create x86, ARM,x64 bundle but it creates three.Appx file each for three different architecture. Msbuild does not create single bundle.appxbundle E:Project DirMSBuild Project.sln /p:Configuration=Release;OutDir=.Release;AppxBundle=Always;AppxBundlePlatforms='x86 x64 ARMArchitecture error which i had above due to 'Any CPU' i removed all 'Any CPU' instance from.csproj and.sln file & replaced them with x86. And run above command i was able to creae.appx bundle for x86, ARM, x64.
Before running above msbuild command do not forget to remove Bin & obj folders from project which you will find after clicking show all button on main project.I hope this helps to someone having similar issue.Thanks.